Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7- 2:52am (8 days to departure)

I am starting to feel the excitement throughout every vein in my body- perhaps even every capillary. Are you aware of how many capillaries the human body has? I am fairly certain it is in the billions, and if we were to lay them out- it would be between 50 and 60,000 miles long. To make this clear- I can feel excitement traveling through at least 50,000 miles inside my body; bringing liveliness to every cell. Pretty impressive.

            I just finished another forty+ hour work week. Half of me wants to work as much as possible to take the money and the other half wants to pawn off all of my shifts so that I can lay around and just wait for the day of my departure. Though I’d never really be happy with that, and honestly, the employees that are suited to take my shifts already have 40 hours themselves. Drat.

            I am not tired, but I have a meeting in the morning. I suppose I shall try to sleep now.